Become a Member
Join your fellow industry practitioners in a national organization that allows you to network, collaborate, create, and participate in the thought leadership of a new industry.
Attend OZAA Events
Industry participants are invited to attend national and local events as a way to meet fellow practitioners, service providers, community leaders, and hear from national policy makers.
Share Your Success
OZAA members and the country need to hear what works and what does not. Telling your story enables other communities and investors to realize their goals, and policy makers to understand the realities of this young program.
Explore Resources
OZAA has a role as curator and custodian of project information, enabling our industry to tell the story of opportunity realized.
- OZAA’s Project Library is a repository for OZ projects, providing color and context to the impact policy can have in local communities. What projects are being built? Who will they benefit? How can communities support project success?
- OZAA’s Project Impact Data for OZAA members and non-members leverages the association’s high-quality data collection process. As opportunity zone project takes root and grow, OZAA collects and provides meaningful metrics on project investments and facilitates a feedback loop for ongoing measurement and improvement
- OZAA’s Active Communication through project libraries, impact data, members’ triumphs, and hurdles are not OZAA secrets. The association proactively connects with the media, community leaders, industry participants, and government officials to correctly tell opportunity zone stories and OZAA members can lean on the association to help them do the same thing.